Sunday, January 20, 2008

Parshas Yisro

The first Rashi in this week’s parsha tells us why Yisro came and joined KlalYisrael. Rashi says that Yisro came because he heard about Kriyas yam suf and milchemes Amalek.

Rashi is actualy quoting a Gemarah that appears on daf 116a in Maseches Zevachim. The Gemarah relates a three way Machlokes of the reason for Yisro's joining klal Yisrael. Rabbi Yehoshua holds it was Milchemes Amalek. Rabbi Elazar Hamoda'e says it was Matan Torah, and Rabbi Elazar holds it was Kriayas Yam Suf.

Why does Rashi only qoute two of the three opinions. He should have also said that Yisro went to Klal Yisrael and converted because of Matan Torah?!

On the same Daf in Zevachim that was qouted earlier, there is a Machlokes of whether Yisro came before or after Matan Torah. Rashi is persumably holding like the view that Yisro came before Matan Torah. It is for this reason that Rashi only qoutes the opinions of events that happened before Matan Torah.

The gemarah in Zevachim had a three way Machlokes as to what inspired Yisro to come to Klal Yisrael and be misgayer. Should'nt Rashi qouted the two opinions seperately instead of giving two reasons together?

The Sifsie Chachamim answer that the two that Rashi qoutes are not arguing rather are running hand in hand.

What is similar about these two opinions. According to the Sifsie Chachamim how are these two Dayos in the Gemarah complementing one another? Also, why wasn't Kriyas Yam Suf enough of a Nes and seeing what Hashem could do for Yisro to come. What is it about Milchemes Amalek that made Yisro finally decide to be Misgayer and join the Bnei Yisrael?

Perhaphs the events of Kriyas Yam Suf and Milchemes Amalek represent two differant types of Nisim that Hashem performs. Kriyas Yam Suf was a Nes that was L'malah Min Hateva and was done purely by Hashem and without the intervention of Klal Yisrael. Milchemes Amalek was a miracle that was done with Tevah and was with the intervention of Klal Yisrael. Klal Yisrael faught and Hashem helped them win. Yisro saw the two ways that Hashem can interact with Klal Yisrael via Nes. It is amazing to see the power of Hshem and the unbelievable things he can do. However, it is also very special and moving to see the close interactons between Hashem and his people. Yisro was definatlely moved by the Nes that Hashem did at Yam Suf, but what happened during Milchemes Amalek, which demenstrated the how close the bnei Yisrael were with Hshem, was the final push for him to join. Yam Suf showed the great power of Hashem and the war with Amalek showed Yisro that Hashem involves us very closely in his power.

This perhaphs also answers why Yisro b'davka joined Klal Yisrael as opposed to being a Jew in his comfortable home of Midyan. Yisro wanted to be part of the nation of Klal Yisrael because he realized through the event of Milchemes Amalek how Hshem deals with Bnei Yisrael as a tzibur and as an Am.

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