Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Parshas Pikudei #1- The Completion of Geulas Mitzrayim

Towards the very end of Sefer Shemos, The Torah states: Pasuk 34, “The Cloud covered the Ohel Moed and the glory of Hashem filled the Mishkan”.

The Ramban in his introduction to Sefer Shemos says, “The Book of Shemos discusses the exile of Klal Yisrael and the redemption. Therefore the Torah repeats the names of the Sons of Yaakov going down to Egypt, because it signifies the beginning of the Galus. And the Exile does not end until the day that we return to our place, the place of our forefathers. Even after we went out of Egypt although we left slavery we were still considered to be in exile. And it was not until Har Sinai and then creating the Mishkan and G-d resting his shechina upon the Mishkan where we were considered redeemed. It is because of this that Sefer Shemos ends with the resting of the Cloud on the Mishkan and G-d’s glory continuously filling the Mishkan.”

The point of our freedom from slavery was to ultimately serve Hashem. Therefore, the shechina’s resting on Klal Yisrael demonstrated that we reestablished the close relationship between us and G-d and the divine intervention and awareness that we had been aspiring to. The pisukim continue and discuss the Masaos; the Annan and Eish which was going to lead us the rest of the way until Eretz Yisrael. The Annan, which shows G-d’s close interaction and relationship with Klal Yisrael by protecting them, is demonstrating that our relationship with Hashem is going to carry all the way until we get to Eretz Yisrael and after we settle their.

May we be zocheh to have that close relationship and come to the ultimate redemption very soon.

Good Shabbos

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